Your company doesn’t have to be a household name to attract top talent. Nor do you have to spend tons of money. You can effectively showcase your company and sell people on your job opportunities by delivering a personalized hiring experience.
Join Chief Advisor & Strategist of the Wintrip Consulting Group, Scott Wintrip, as he explains how to attract the attention of quality candidates, design and run a faster and more engaging hiring process, and get prospective hires to sell themselves on accepting your job offer.
In this webinar, you will:
- Understand how to make your job opportunities stand out
- Discover how to create an engaging candidate experience by doing what teachers do
- Learn simple sales methods to get candidates to accept your job even when you have a low hiring budget
- Acquire the 3 magic words that get candidates who say “no” to a job offer to change their mind
And more!
All live attendees will be entered into a drawing to win a free autographed copy of Scott's book, "High Velocity Hiring: How to Hire Top Talent in an Instant." 3 attendees will be selected to receive this book that was named a must-read by HR Magazine.
May 21, 2019 9.30 AM PST, 12.30 PM EST, 5.30 PM GMT
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