Sat.May 14, 2016 - Fri.May 20, 2016

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Staffing Agencies Help Solve the Challenges of Hiring Good Seasonal Workers


For organizations with seasonal fluctuations in business, hiring temporary workers is often a necessity. Regardless of when they need additional help -- whether it’s over the holidays or during temperature-dictated cycles (think beaches and amusement parks in the summer and skiing and snowboarding in winter) – everyone needs employees they can rely on.

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Change Management is Not a Choice

ClearCompany HRM

The statistic is nearly ten years old, yet so believable and supported by far newer surveys. That’s right, even in a world where we can accept our operating systems are outdated in less than a year, we somehow cannot seem to update our business or organizational processes successfully or unscathed. Chalk it up to human nature’s hatred of change or downright obliviousness, but don’t kid yourself: we needed to master change management and we needed to yesterday.


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Can You Bring Your Mother To a Meeting With #HR – Ask HR Bartender

HR Bartender

While some people might read the title of this post and ask, “Really?!” The truth is “Really.” Employees often get very nervous when asked to a private meeting with human resources or their supervisor. And the employee wants someone there for comfort…as evidenced by this reader note. Can you have someone sit in on a meeting between you and your supervisor?

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TriNet Inspires Entrepreneurs in the City of Angels!


This post is part of our TriNet Inspire series. Los Angeles is a city full of ambition and creativity – and that was apparent in the 300+ entrepreneurs, small business owners and leaders who attended. Visit site for full story.

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How to Leverage AI in EX & HR Service Delivery

Speaker: Miriam Connaughton and Donald Knight

Learn how leading companies leverage AI to transform the employee experience, at scale. We'll debunk myths and showcase practical tools to help you confidently integrate AI into your EX strategy. Learn to personalize experiences, automate tasks, and streamline processes for a holistic approach. Leave energized and ready to champion AI as the key to a thriving workforce.

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Social Media Shaming and SnapChat – Ranting!

What is Paul Thinking

Engagement. Everything is about engagement these days. If you’re in marketing you’re worried about consumer engagement. If you’re in HR you’re all about employee engagement. If you’re a B2B sales person you’re all about company engagement with your company. Engagement. Engagement. Engagement. (be honest – you said that like Jan Brady said Marcia. Marcia.

More Trending

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Know Your Audience – Friday Distraction

HR Bartender

(Editor’s Note: Today’s post is brought to you by our friends at Kronos , a global leader in delivering workforce management solutions in the cloud. Kronos announced a multi-city international tour of KronosLIVE , an event series that offers the latest insights on how organizations can manage their most strategic asset – their workforce. For details, check out their website.

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How to Lead Volunteers: 3 Lessons from My Experience


Leading volunteers is not always an easy job. Unlike employees, they are hard to fire and they may or may not be motivated enough to give their best efforts. But sometimes the magic happens, and you get the best people with the best skills supporting you in a volunteer capacity. That’s what happened last week, and I want to share some of the lessons for the rest of you.

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The Guide To Holding Remote Team Meetings That Aren’t A Total Waste Of Time


Remote meetings can be terrible. They’re the “chores” of the workplace. Whether it’s technology crashing or a user not being able to connect, you’ve probably been in a video chat that you considered a total waste of time. On the upside, meetings are helpful for teams to stay connected, brainstorm, improve productivity , and get help with what they’re working on.

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10 Things You Need to Know About the New Overtime Pay Rule


Overtime pay has long been a hot-button topic for employers and employees alike. Whether for or against overtime pay, both sides can agree that the income limits that qualify employees for overtime pay haven’t kept up with inflation over the years. The last income maximum threshold was set more than 10 years ago in 2004. On Tuesday, the Labor Department passed new regulation that increased the cutoff for overtime pay from $23,660 to $47,476, making 4.2 million more salaried workers eligibl

Industry 157
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[Free Templates] Plant the Seed for Successful Onboarding!

Our Free Welcome Email Templates (designed for both in-office or virtual employees) are ready for you to customize and use to plant the seeds of success for new team members.

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Mandatory Commuter Benefits are a Thing Now in New York City: Here’s What That Could Mean for Employers Around the Nation


Employers in New York City have undergone a lot of mandatory changes to employment laws already this year. The most recent one, which NYC employers will need to implement by July 1, 2016, is the New. Visit site for full story.

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Thank You, But We’re Not Hiring (You)


Thank you for your interest in our company. Though your resume was impressive, we have decided to consider other applicants further. I apologize for the disappointing news, best of luck in your job search. After reading an email like the one above, a flurry of emotions begin to take hold. Overwhelming disappointment, crippling self-doubt, and a fear of eternal unemployment begin to manifest when reading rejection after rejection.

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Bring a Box of Tissues, and Other Real-World Tips on Conducting Layoffs

Intoo USA

For many managers, there is perhaps no task more difficult than informing an employee that his or her job has been eliminated. Of course there are best practices we cover in our complete Layoff Notification Guide that help ensure a separation event can help all parties, and protect your brand. These range from the benefits you offer employees at the time of separation–like providing career coaching assistance through outplacement services –to ensuring they have all the proper paperwork to easily

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The Secret to a Happier Workplace


By Derek Irvine. Recognize This! – Science has transformed workplace happiness from a nice-to-have to a compelling imperative, but it needs to start with alignment, positivity, and progress. What comes to mind when you imagine what a happy workplace might look like? A company full of optimists who are always smiling no matter what’s going on around them.

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IT Leadership Agrees AI is Here, but Now What?

IT leaders are experiencing rapid evolution in AI amid sustained investment uncertainty. As AI evolves, enhanced cybersecurity and hiring challenges grow. This whitepaper offers real strategies to manage risks and position your organization for success.

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Reimagining Performance Management With Zendesk’s VP of People Operations


Quick: Think about the time in your career when you felt you were performing at your peak. What were the circumstances driving that? Good boss? Great team? Maybe the role was perfectly suited for what you were good at, or wanted to be doing? What was going on that spurred you to perform at a peak level? WATCH: “ Reimagining Performance Management ” webinar with David Hanrahan.

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Michael J. Fox’s Life Lessons on Work, Optimism, and Choice

The People Equation

“I’m going to a conference next month and the keynote speaker is Michael J. Fox.”. “Cool! Although, I just saw on Facebook that his health isn’t very good. I hope he’s able to make the event.”. Such was the conversation I had several weeks ago with a friend. I’d seen the post about Michael J. Fox on Facebook as well and hoped it wasn’t true. A bit of investigative work on my part revealed nothing reported (besides the “news” on Facebook) so I was hopeful it was just a rumor.

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Key to Sustainable Success: Developing Middle Managers


According to census data , retirement rates will increase significantly as the US workforce ages over the next 10 years, resulting in a vacuum within today’s middle management. While managers have been the source of much analysis, the majority of research and writing – whether popular or scholarly – centers either on the C-suite and senior executives or on first-time managers.

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Mentoring Is About Connection

ATD Human Capital

There is a classic exercise often done at a mentoring program launch in which participants are asked to think of the best mentor they have had and why. The reason this exercise is powerful is because it helps participants uncover the golden truth of mentoring firsthand: Mentoring is about connection. Your favorite mentor may have challenged you, encouraged you, or helped you through a difficult situation.

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How to Onboard New Hires in 10 Minutes or Less

Speaker: Speakers

Introducing Ten Minute Onboarding – a revolutionary formula to boost your hiring process's speed, efficiency, and accuracy. Join us September 10th to learn how this three-part system provides a blueprint to: Reduce Dropoff: Maintain momentum from the offer letter to the first day. Streamline Operations: Cut down administrative time and effort. Ensure Compliance: Minimize liability and mistakes.

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Introduction to Goal Management Systems: What Are OKRs?


As companies grow and markets shift, getting teams executing in alignment may feel like a moving target. OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results, are an organizational system originated at Intel that is widely adopted by some of the most high-performing companies in the market. Its effectiveness lies in its simplicity and specificity: By identifying and committing to clear goals, OKRs help create team alignment and business clarity.

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How Rude! How Incivility Is Hurting Your Team


Incivility can be a surprisingly common and accepted behavior at work. Think back to past roles or even your current position. How often have you experienced small or significant moments of incivility and rudeness? Did it impact your mood and motivation at work? According to Mike Sliter, assistant professor of psychology at Indiana University-Purdue University, incivility is defined as a “low intensity deviant behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target, in violation of workplace norms for

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Workplace Style: What’s In, What’s Out with Office Dress Codes


In 1992, when Levi Strauss mailed 25,000 copies of “A Guide to Casual Businesswear” to HR departments across the country, they claimed they were merely reacting to a growing trend (and promoting their Dockers brand). Throughout the 90s, Casual Friday grew until “business casual” became the norm in many workplaces, replacing the once-standard suits and ties.

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WorkHuman Takeaway: Teach Our Children Well


by Traci Pesch. Recognize This! – Much of our own human behavior was learned as children. Let’s think carefully about how we are teaching our children to be human. WorkHuman 2016 in Orlando was a powerful, exciting experience for many reasons, not least of which was the opportunity to be with, learn from and share the experience with other amazing humans.

Wellness 114
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How to Increase Diversity in Your Workforce Through AI Technology

Diversity and inclusion are crucial for building a strong and innovative workforce. Discover how AI technology can revolutionize your hiring process and drive diversity in your organization. Explore over 10 ways AI recruiting tools can help you identify a wider pool of candidates, enhance communication strategies, and eliminate unconscious bias. Embrace the future of recruitment and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with AI technology.

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[Infographic] What You Need to Know to Be Productive at Work


When it comes to how you can be productive at work, the design of your workspace can have a major impact on your productivity levels. It has the potential to increase your work output or hinder it. From lighting to noise levels, there is a lot that can affect your work. By implementing small steps such as checking your posture and keeping your desk space clean, you can ensure that you have the optimal productivity levels at your place of employment.

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7 Signs Of Bad Resumes That You Need To Look Out For

Spark Hire

When you’re reviewing hundreds of resumes a week, you need to be able to spot the bad ones quickly. Not knowing which red flags signal possible bad hires can lead to a lot of wasted time and money. But, depending on the position and the candidate, some resume mistakes are forgivable. So how do you know when to give a job seeker another chance or just move on?

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HR Tech and Relocation: In the News

UrbanBound HR

We're back this week with some of the top news from HR Tech and relocation in the past week! It was a busy week in the wonderful world of HR and relocation, so we did you a favor and gathered some of the most noteworthy news and compiled it for you in one place.

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Office pets: the best first impression you can make?

HR Zone

Culture. What are the benefits of a pet-friendly office?

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Unlock Hidden Talents: The SBO Blueprint For Success

Speaker: Brian Richardson

With a staggering 92% of CEOs prioritizing skill development, and 84% struggling with transformation, understanding SBO is critical. Drawing on extensive research and collaboration with hundreds of leading organizations, discover key hurdles and innovative best practices in upskilling. You'll leave with a comprehensive understanding of Skills-Based Organization (SBO), tailored insights into your organization's current capabilities, and a toolkit of effective strategies.

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Bridging The Gap Between HR And Business Outcomes


With the new technological advancements in people analytics, it’s becoming increasingly important for HR to strategically integrate with the business and operate efficiently. In a connected organization, CHROs are able to integrate organizational capabilities such as integrated talent management, digitally-enhanced collaboration tools, HR IT architectures and digital strategies.

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Business Travel Has a Drinking Problem.

The HR Capitalist

It's true. I've been on the road a lot recently, and it's safe to say that business travel has a drinking problem. Not everyone has a problem. But it's safe to say the percentage of adults who are enjoying a nightcap (or four) on the road is higher than it is when the same group is at home. Does that matter? It depends on who you ask. Ask anyone participating in the nightcaps, and the answer is sure to be no.

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the new overtime pay rules are here — if you earn less than $47,476, read this

Ask a Manager

The new overtime rules that we’ve been talking about here for the last month were finally released by the Department of Labor today. This is no longer speculation; these rules are now final and will go into effect on December 1. The changes will require an additional 4.2 million American workers to be paid overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a week.